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Entry Section

This is the section you are in when you start gd1.
 # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage,                                        #
 # gdfidl (64) (V 2.0a) (compiled Sun May 31 07:50:51 GMT 2009 on host wb026) #
 # -general        -- Output file, annotations.                               #
 # -mesh           -- Bounding box, spacing, fixed meshplanes,                #
 #                 -- boundary conditions.                                    #
 # -material       -- Material properties.                                    #
 # -lgeometry      -- load a previously used geometry.                        #
 # ***** Geometric primitives ****                                            #
 # -brick          -- Simple rectangular brick.                               #
 # -gccylinder     -- Circular cylinder in general direction.                 #
 # -ggcylinder     -- General cylinder in general direction.                  #
 # -gbor           -- Body of revolution in general direction.                #
 # -stlfile        -- CAD import via STL-file.                                #
 # -geofunction    -- Analytic function.                                      #
 # -transform      -- rotations etc                                           #
 # ***** Solver Sections ****                                                 #
 #  -eigenvalues   -- Resonant fields                                         #
 #  -fdtd          -- Time dependent fields                                   #
 #  -magnetostatic -- magnetostatic fields fields (rudimentary)               #
 # *******                                                                    #
 #  -volumeplot    -- displays mesh filling.                                  #
 #  -cutplot       -- displays mesh filling in a single plane                 #
 # ***** Miscellanea ******                                                   #
 #  -debug         -- Specify debug levels                                    #
 #                                                                            #
 # ?, end, help, __mdoit                                                      #
The menu shows all sections currently accessible. The section -fdtd has some subsections. You enter a section by specifying its name.
Example To enter the section -general, you say:
Since all commands may be abbreviated, you may also say: