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-fdtd/-pexcitation: What port-mode should be excited

Here you specify what port-excitation shall be used. The excitation can be a switched on sine-signal, a gaussian pulse modulated with a sine, or a user specified signal.
 # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage,                                        #
 # section: -pexcitation                                                      #
 # port  =  undefined                                                         #
 # mode  = 1                                                                  #
 # amplitude =        1.0                                                     #
 # phase     =        0.0                                                     #
 # frequency =  undefined                                                     #
 # bandwidth =  undefined                                                     #
 # risetime  =        0.0                                                     #
 # signalcommand= -none-                                                      #
 # nextport, list, ?, return, help                                            #

Example The following specifies that the fundamental mode of the port with name InputPort shall be excited. Its amplitude shall be '1', the centerfrequency of the excited pulse shall be 1.2 GHz, and the bandwidth of the excited pulse shall be 0.7 GHz.
        port= InputPort
        mode= 1
        amplitude= 1
        frequency= 1.2e+9
        bandwidth= 0.7e+9

Example The following specifies that the fundamental mode of the port with name InputPort1 shall be excited. Its amplitude shall be '1', the frequency of the excited signal shall be 1.2 GHz, and the risetime until steady state of the excitation shall be 10 HF-periods. In addition, the fundamental mode of the port with name InputPort2 shall be excited. Amplitude shall be '1'.
        port= InputPort1, mode= 1, amplitude= 1, phase= 0
        frequency= 1.2e9, risetime= 10 / 1.2e9
        port= InputPort2, mode= 1, amplitude= 1, phase= 0

Example The following specifies that the fundamental mode of the port with name InputPort shall be excited. The portmode shall be computed for a frequency of 10 GHz, and the signal of the excitation shall be defined by an external signal command.

        port= InputPort
        mode= 1
        amplitude= 1
        frequency= 10 GHz
 # compile the signalcommand
 system(f90 signal-command.f -o signal-command)
        signalcommand= ./signal-command
This is the sourcefile signal-command.f:
      PROGRAM SignalCommand

      Pi= 4*ATAN(1.0d0)
      Frequency= 10e9
      TRise= 10/Frequency
      TDecay= 20/Frequency
      THold= 50/Frequency
      READ (*,*) iTime1, iTime2, TimeStep
      READ (*,*) Beta, Alpha, DeltaZ
      DO iTime= iTime1, iTime2, 1
         ActualTime= iTime*TimeStep
         IF (ActualTime .LE. TRise) THEN
            Phi= ActualTime * Pi / TRise
            Factor= (1-COS(Phi))/2
         ELSE IF (ActualTime .LE. TRise+THold) THEN
            Factor= 1
         ELSE IF (ActualTime .LE. TRise+THold+TDecay) THEN
            Phi= (ActualTime - (TRise+THold)) * Pi / TDecay
            Factor= (1+COS(Phi))/2
            Factor= 0
         Factor= Factor * TimeStep / DeltaZ
         WRITE (*,*) Factor*SIN(2*Pi*Frequency*ActualTime)
      END PROGRAM SignalCommand

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