############################################################################## # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage, # ############################################################################## # section -time # ############################################################################## # firstsaved = undefined # # lastsaved = undefined # # distancesaved = undefined # # tminimum = undefined # # tmaximum = undefined # # decaytime = 1.0e+30 # ############################################################################## # amptresh = 3.0e-3 # # dtsafety = 0.950 # # ndt = auto # # ___stopafter= 1.0e+30 -- force stop after that time. # # ___evmax = undefined -- dangerous. # # ___dt = undefined -- dangerous. # ############################################################################## # return, help, ? # ##############################################################################
tminimum= TMIN, tmaximum= TMAX
and maximum one of TMAX
no power is flowing through any port,
the simulation is stopped.
are power flowing through all ports is
stationary, the simulation is stopped.
, the simulation will be stopped.
amptresh= TRESH
The used timestep is
decaytime= OOALPHA
The reason for this parameter is as follows:
calculates mostly in single precision,
with a relative accuray of its internal values of for most
With this machine accuracy, it is not possible to calculate
the decay of high Q-structures.
If you would fill your volume not with vacuum but with a dielectric with
a very low conductivity
the program would attempt to scale in every timestep the electric field
with a factor of
. For low values of
this factor is so near to one that
it cannot be represented in single precision.
With the specification of decaytime
the fields (both E and B) in the entire volume are scaled
by such a factor, that after a simulationtime of OOALPHA
the fields have decayed by a factor of 1/e.
If you have to calculate the scattering parameters of
a resonator with a known (not too low) internal Q-value,
e.g. greater than 1000, you can specify artificial losses with this
keyword and gd1
or single.gd1
together with gd1.pp
will calculate the proper scattering parameters.
NOT USEFUL. This is avaiable to test that the results of parallel and serial computations are bitwise identical.
define(FREQ, 1e9) tmin= 100/FREQ, tmax= 1000/FREQ firstsaved= 10/FREQ, lastsaved= 20/FREQ distance= 1/2/FREQ