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-sparameters: Computes scattering parameters from time dependent data

 # Flags: nomenu, noprompt, nomessage,                                        #
 # section -sparameter                                                        #
 # ports      = all                                                           #
 #               -- (all | LIST )                                             #
 # modes      = ( 1 )                         -- (all | LIST )                #
 # timedata   = no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   tsumpower= no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   tintpower= no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   usample  = 5                             -- undersample for t-plots      #
 # freqdata   = yes                           -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   wantdf   = auto                          -- ( auto | REAL )              #
 #   windowed = yes                           -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #     edgeofwindow = 0.70             -- at what frac. start to apply window #
 #   fsumpower= yes                           -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   magnitude= yes                           -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #     slog   = no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   fintpower= no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   phase    = no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   smithplot= no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #     markerat= undefined              -- want a marker at .. in smith-chart #
 #   groupvelocity= no                        -- ( yes | no )                 #
 #   fri      = no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 # excdata    = yes                     -- show the data of the excitation    #
 # upto       = auto                    -- [s]   ( auto | REAL )              #
 # flow       = auto                    -- [1/s] ( auto | REAL )              #
 # fhigh      = auto                    -- [1/s] ( auto | REAL )              #
 # ignoreexc  = no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 # details    = no                            -- ( yes | no )                 #
 # plotopts = -geometry 690x560+10+10                                         #
 # showtext     = yes         -- (yes | no)                                   #
 # onlyplotfiles= no          -- (yes | no)                                   #
 # return, help, end, ls, clearmarkers, doit                                  #

Example To compute and plot the scattering parameters of only the first two modes of the ports with names Input, Output, we say:
     modes= ( 1, 2 )
     ports= ( Input, Output )

Example In the first step, we compute the time dependent amplitudes with gd1:
 gd1 < /usr/local/gd1/examples-from-the-manual/arndt.MTT90.p1854.fig5.gdf
In the next step, we start gd1.pp to compute the scattering parameters from the time dependent amplitudes, that were computed by gd1. The input we give to gd1.pp is:
 -gen, inf @last
 -3da, sy e_1, scal 4.5, arr 5000, doit
 -spa, window yes, doit
       window no, doit
The resulting plots are shown in the figures 2.2 to 2.12.
Figure 2.2: The time dependent electric field at an early time.
Figure 2.3: The computed reflection when a window has been applied.
Figure 2.4: A computed transmission when a window has been applied.
Figure 2.5: A computed transmission when a window has been applied.
Figure 2.6: A computed transmission when a window has been applied.
Figure 2.7: The computed reflection when no window has been applied.
Figure 2.8: A computed transmission when no window has been applied.
Figure 2.9: A computed transmission when no window has been applied.
Figure 2.10: A computed transmission when no window has been applied.
Figure 2.11: The sums of the squares of the computes scattering parameters when a window has been applied.
Figure 2.12: The sums of the squares of the computes scattering parameters when no window has been applied.

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